Men's Health & Acupuncture

Men's Health

It is Men's Health Month and we want you to be aware that medical acupuncture supports men's health in areas of athletic performance and recovery by:

  • Reducing inflammation

  • Increasing strength

  • Improving range of motion

  • Increasing flexibility

  • Stimulating tissue repair

  • Increasing VO2 max (maximal oxygen uptake) and anaerobic threshold

  • Accelerating post-exercise recovery after intense exertion resulting in less muscle soreness and reduced heart rate, oxygen consumption, and blood lactate

Another way acupuncture supports men's health is with seasonal allergies included the following:

  • Improves seasonal allergies by lessening the severity of the symptoms

  • Reduces the amount of allergy medication (antihistamines) needed

Men can also reduce their risk for cardiovascular disease by as much as eighty percent by managing high blood pressure, quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, reducing stress and improving sleep - with acupuncture. Specifically, acupuncture can lower blood pressure by applying filaments at specific sites along the wrist, inside the forearm or in the leg, to promote the release of opioids, which decreases the heart’s need for oxygen.

Men, talk to your medical acupuncturist about using acupuncture for your health.
